The benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome and its management

Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome

In my clinic, nerve conduction studies in patients with such symptoms revealed nothing abnormal – for example, there was no evidence of peripheral neuritis. Three patients with a combination of numbness, muscle spasms and double vision were diagnosed as having multiple sclerosis. This diagnosis, and all the symptoms, disappeared soon after the patients stopped their benzodiazepines. A characteristic feature of benzodiazepine withdrawal is a heightened sensitivity to all sensations benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome – hearing, sight, touch, taste and smell. One lady had to stop all the clocks in the house because their ticking sounded unbearably loud; many have had to don dark glasses because ordinary light seemed dazzlingly bright.

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Withdrawal symptoms from short-acting drugs, such as Xanax, may come on faster than withdrawal symptoms from long-acting drugs, such as Valium. The retrospective design of our study presents several limitations that should be acknowledged. Currently, symptom-triggered management of AWS using the CIWA-Ar is the standard of care.


Your doctor can help you weigh the potential risks and benefits of benzodiazepine use and your pregnancy. Depending on your situation, your doctor may think it best to prescribe very small amounts of medication at a time. This will prevent you from altering the taper, but it might mean frequent trips to the pharmacy. Protracted withdrawal is a long-term withdrawal syndrome that may come and go for several months.

Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome


Similarly, the overall intubation or ventilation rate was 1.55%, more frequent for patients on lorazepam protocol (616 patients, 1.65%), and a slightly higher rate for patients on diazepam protocol (59 patients, 2.18%). The primary outcome, length of stay (LOS) in mean days ± standard deviation for each alcohol withdrawal protocol is presented. The COWS scale is used in various settings, including hospitals, outpatient clinics, and residential treatment centers. It is especially useful during detoxification, the first step in overcoming opioid dependence.

  • To successfully detox from benzodiazepines, one of the key factors is to be aware of exactly what to expect during withdrawal.
  • Thus, these sensations need not give rise to fear; they can be viewed as signs of recovery.
  • If depression is severe during benzodiazepine withdrawal as in any other situation, it seems foolhardy to leave it untreated.
  • They want to make the diagnosis and often feel put off by patients who present with a complaint and a diagnosis.
  • This can involve living at a detox facility or hospital for several weeks, where you can receive constant medical monitoring and psychological support.
  • Which symptoms increase or decrease in any of these cycles is also unpredictable.

Management of inhalant withdrawal

There are particularly compelling reasons why older people should withdraw from benzodiazepines since, as age advances, they become more prone to falls and fractures, confusion, memory loss and psychiatric problems (see Chapter 1). Finally, your doctor may appreciate receiving some literature on benzodiazepine withdrawal, for example the articles mentioned under Further Reading at the end of Chapters 1 & 3 and of this chapter. So, for those starting out, many previous users will testify that almost anyone who really wants to can withdraw from benzodiazepines.

  • This benzodiazepine is eliminated so quickly (half-life 2 hours) that you are practically withdrawn each day, after a dose the night before.
  • If you are experiencing new symptoms, especially potentially dangerous ones like high blood pressure, one-sided weakness, slurred speech, drooping face, chest pain, shortness of breath, please be evaluated by a doctor to rule out other causes.
  • This Workgroup defined the rationale for the selection of BIND as the most appropriate terminology for the enduring effects of benzodiazepine exposure.
  • Many of these trials have involved what is considered here as over-rapid withdrawal.
  • A person should always withdraw from benzos under the guidance of a healthcare professional.

Depression, aggression, obsessions

The primary outcome, length of stay (LOS), is represented as a box and whisker plot for each alcohol withdrawal protocol. For instance, a person experiencing mild sweating and slight restlessness may receive a low COWS score, indicating mild withdrawal. Conversely, a patient with severe tremors and gastrointestinal upset would have a high score, signaling the need for immediate medical intervention. The advantages of discontinuing benzodiazepines do not necessarily mean that every long-term user should withdraw.

Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome

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Benzodiazepine withdrawal syndrome

Along with these symptoms, the person may experience severe cravings for the drug or other drugs to sedate them. Withdrawal symptoms may begin after as little as 3–6 weeks of use, even when a person uses the drugs as the doctor directed. Although many symptoms subside after the acute withdrawal phase, lingering side effects are possible. During the early stages of withdrawal, the person may notice the symptoms of the condition that the drug was treating marijuana addiction start to return, or rebound.


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